Ben-Ami, David (Dudu

Ben-Ami, David (Dudu

Son of Shoshana and Yaakov, was born on February 16, 1965 in Jerusalem. David attended the Henrietta Szold elementary school and continued to study at the “Beit Chinuch” high school, where he planned to study after his army service and completed his studies at the Garbo Professional Modeling School even before his enlistment in the IDF. David was a central and dominant figure and was always involved in various social activities. He was a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed movement, where he led a young group and volunteered for many years in the Gonen and Emek Refaim neighborhoods in Jerusalem. Of Emek Refaim, where a monument was erected in memory of two of his friends who fell in the Lev John. This club tournament is held every year in memory of soccer trio. At the beginning of 1983, David joined the IDF Armored Corps and was stationed. He was very proud of his role as a liaison officer in the “Merkava” tank and aspired to attend the officers’ course and then the officer’s course. Immediately after basic training, the entire unit was transferred to Lebanon. Shortly after, David was beaten by a snake and released for several days. He decided on his own initiative to return before the end of his vacation to allow others to take leave. David died the day he returned to the unit. David fell in the course of his duties on the 24th of Kislev 5744 (24.11.1983), during the Peace for the Galilee, and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. He left behind his parents, brothers and sisters.

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