Ben-Aharon, Eliyahu

Ben-Aharon, Eliyahu

Eliahu, son of Rachel and Joseph Son of-Aharon, was born on 15 March 1950 in Ramle. Eliahu was drafted into the IDF in August 1968 and volunteered for the naval commando unit, successfully completing his training and successfully completing a parachuting course, although he was able to leave the unit for health reasons. In 1971, Eliahu was discharged from regular service and assigned to a reserve unit of the Armored Corps, after which he worked for a certain period in the security and other services. In the Yom Kippur War his unit participated in the battles of containment against the Egyptians in the Sinai. When the unit left the area to conquer the “Machsom” stronghold, the tank commander was hit and started to go up in flames. One of his comrades rushed to the burning tank and, under heavy shelling, rescued the crew members trapped there. In the battle that took place on 22 Tishrei, October 18, 1973, in the area of ​​the “Chinese farm,” Eliahu was hit and killed by enemy aircraft, standing on the turret of his tank and returning fire to the attacking planes. He was brought to eternal rest in the Ashdod cemetery. Survived by his parents and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to the rank of sergeant.

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