Ben-Abo, Yehuda

Ben-Abo, Yehuda

Ben Rachel and Isaac. Yehuda was born on 12.12.1944 in Morocco. He immigrated to Israel with his family in 1954 to Moshav Beit Nakofa. He began his studies at the Yemin Moshe Yeshiva and after about a year went to study for seven years at the Ma’ale Hachamisha school. In 1962, Yehuda was drafted into the IDF and served in the Armored Corps in the 7th Brigade. He completed his service in 1964. After his discharge he began working as a tractor operator in Moshav Beit Meir, until his enlistment in the police in 1977. In December 1980, Yehuda was drafted as a regular policeman and served faithfully until his death. On the 3rd of Adar 5755 (March 4, 1995), First sergeant Yehuda fell during his service, he was buried at the cemetery in Beit Nekofa, leaving a pleasant wife and six children – Yehudit, Ronit, Yitzhak, Mordechai , Orit and Meir.

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