Beliela, Shlomo

Beliela, Shlomo

Ben Rahamim and Pertha. Born on June 24, 1933 in Haifa, he completed his studies in elementary school and a year later went on to high school in evening classes and studied political agriculture three times a week. “He took part in lifting weights and wrestling, and his older appearance helped him join the army without his parents’ knowledge, and he was only 15 years old at the time. But when he reached the recruiting center, he fulfilled all his duties within the framework of the IDF out of love and dedication, because during the training period he knew the problems facing the army. He defended his homeland and suggested that he study a course in correspondence and expand his knowledge by reading books, but he could not accept his offer because he could not find a single hour of training and practice.He once expressed himself in a letter from the army that “there is no better than parents and home …” On the 24th of Adar 5712 (21.3.52), he fell while fulfilling his duties and was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Haifa.

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