Belchasan, Yaakov

Belchasan, Yaakov

Son of Bracha and Raymond. Yaakov was born on the 24th of Shevat, February 18, 1963. He was the eldest son of his parents. He grew up in Tel Aviv. After completing his high school studies, Yaakov enlisted in the IDF, served as a combat soldier and as a tank soldier. He fought in the Lebanon War and was awarded medals for his courage and heroism. In November 1987 he was promoted to sergeant. Yaakov was married to Ilana, and the couple set up their home in Kiryat Malachi. On the 1st of Tammuz, June 20, 2004, Sergeant Major Yaakov died during his service. He was forty one years old. He was laid to rest at the cemetery in Kiryat Malachi. He left a wife and four children.

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