Behar, Mordechai

Behar, Mordechai

Son of Esther and Robert, was born in 1921 in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. He had a high school education. Mordechai aspired to reach Eretz Israel and in 1946 managed to realize his ambition. He was hired to work as a clerk in the Intelligence Office of the Mandatory government in Jerusalem, but secretly served in the Haganah underground and was among the most active. With the worsening of the security situation in Jerusalem, he abandoned his place of work and openly joined the defenders of Jerusalem. At first he was among the convoys of the convoys, and later he served other combat duties. In one of his last letters he wrote: “We swore not to rest and not to lay down our arms, until our land is liberated and no shadow of danger will hover over it.” Mordechai fell in a battle in Castel on the 28th of Adar 5708 (1948) and was buried in Sanhedria in Jerusalem. On the 5th of Elul 5711 (6.9.1951), he was taken to an eternal rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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