Becker, Isaac

Becker, Isaac

Was born on March 15, 1924 in Warsaw, the capital of Poland, and immigrated to Israel in 1939. He received a popular education and later lived a worker’s life, devoted to his work, the work of a shoemaker, He volunteered to help the people, was sent to son of Shemen, where he trained in weapons and served in the Givati ​​Brigade, guarding and escorting caravans that came to and from the village, and in March 1948 he was hit by a bullet and before he could recover he returned to service. On the night of June 2-3, 1948, during the “Philistine” operation, the Givati ​​forces attacked the Egyptian alignment near the Ashdod Bridge (the “Ad Halom” bridge today). The attack failed, but forced the Egyptians to prepare for the attack and halted their advance to the north, which fell on May 3, 1948. Five months later, when Ashdod was conquered, he was brought with his friends to the grave -Israel in the military cemetery in Kfar Warburg.

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