Becher, Yitzhak

Becher, Yitzhak

Yitzhak, son of Naftali and Bulisa Becher, was born in Bulgaria on April 16, 1910. His family immigrated to Israel in 1914. At the age of twenty-five, Yitzhak married Victoria, and they had four children. At the outbreak of the War of Independence, the family fled to West Jerusalem, where they lived in a single small room, where the fifth child was born. In 1944, Yitzhak enlisted in the British army, first as a cook in a military camp and later as a guard. With the establishment of the State of Israel, he was transferred to the Israel Police. On the 20th of Tammuz (June 20, 1950), Yitzhak was killed while guarding the village of Lifta, a village in the outskirts of Jerusalem, by a new immigrant from Yemen who did not know how to operate his weapon. He was forty years old. Yitzhak was buried in the cemetery on Mount Herzl, Jerusalem. He left behind his wife and their five children.

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