Becher, Michael

Becher, Michael

Son of Violet and Mordecai was born on 28.6.1929 in Adirana (Adrianople), Turkey, and immigrated to Israel with his parents in February 1934. Because of the precarious situation of the family that was cared for by the children, he stopped his studies after the sixth grade He was a loyal and devoted member of the Hanoar Haoved movement, and was fond of his friends in his good temper.In the outbreak of the War of Independence, he left the school and went to work as a laborer, He enlisted in the Givati ​​Brigade and was assigned to one of the combat battalions and participated in the defense of Tirat Shalom and the battles over the villages on the cruise And he came home for a short visit to calm his parents, and on the last day he arrived on May 12, 1948, and said that the liberation of the road to Jerusalem should be completed by the day of the declaration of the state, (13.5.1948) fell in battle near Latrun. Michael was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Rehovot.

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