Beadz, Shlomo

Beadz, Shlomo

Shlomo, son of Dikla and Uri, fourth generation of the first Yavne’el, was born on October 2, 1952 in Kibbutz Yagur and studied in elementary schools in Kiryat Bialik, Ramat Gan and Tiberias. He also studied at a school in England, where he spent a year studying, and eventually completed his studies at the Reali high school in Haifa and at the military boarding school. From an early age, Shlomo liked to paint and excelled at it. He wrote and painted in watercolor, took an interest in art, wrote poetry and prose, and even won the Ramat Gan Prize for writing. In addition to his activities, which testified to a sensitive and impressionable soul, he was strong in his body. He liked to play sports, especially in light athletics, participated in national races, and won medals and prizes. He was passionate about trips and new landscapes, and devoted much of his vacations and leisure time to trips around the country, sometimes even at the expense of his studies. He was also active in the Scout movement, as an apprentice and later as a counselor. As a son of a senior officer in the Israel Defense Forces, Shlomo grew up and was educated on a tradition that his love of the land and the concern for its security were a cornerstone of his career. Intelligence and reconnaissance units. He completed a parachuting course, a course in explosives and a diving course, and completed an infantry officer course. Shlomo was a commander in one of the IDF’s finest and most prestigious reconnaissance units, and was told that he was “an adult and responsible, with natural command authority and persuasion, quiet and modest.” He participated in many of the special operations carried out by his special unit. He has a great deal of knowledge in various military professions and has the natural ability and ability to command, train, train, train and lead his people in battle, with the wonderful combination of a tough combat officer and an outstanding fighter, and a young poet and artist, sensitive to the beauty of a song, And during the Yom Kippur War Shlomo was an officer in a reconnaissance unit, first he fought in the northern Golan Heights, He then fought in Sinai and the Suez Canal and was one of the first to arrive at Fayed airport and train him to land in the Egyptian air force after his capture from the Egyptians. He participated in all the battles his unit conducted in the West Bank of the Suez Canal. On October 22, 1973. He was killed in the shelling on the way to Ismailia, a few hours before the cease-fire. He was buried in the cemetery in Yavne’el and was survived by his parents, brother and sister. After his fall, he was promoted to captain.

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