Batat, Meir

Batat, Meir

Son of Amam and Joseph. Born in 1908 in Baghdad, Iraq. When he was 30, he immigrated to Israel with his family, who settled in Tel Aviv on Stein Street, which was close to an Arab region. For a living he worked as a tailor. He volunteered for the Haganah and when the Kiryati Brigade was established, he joined the ranks. When the fighting began in the Jaffa-Tel Aviv area, the family was evacuated, with many residents from the same area and housed in the Tachkemoni school. On April 29, 1948, on Herzl Street in Tel Aviv, he was killed by an Arab sniper’s bullet. Meir was brought to rest in the military cemetery at Nahalat Yitzhak. Left parents, brothers and sisters

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