Bassol, Ofir (Asher)

Bassol, Ofir (Asher)

Ben Dina and Ezra. He was born on the 3rd of Adar 5736 (8.3.1976) in Kfar Sava, to Ahad Ophrat and Efrat, who began his studies at the Bar Ilan elementary school in his hometown During his three years in Belgium, At the Tachkemoni School in Antwerp, Ophir continued his studies at the Midrasha High School in Kiryat Herzog in Kfar Sava and completed his studies in the chemical track at the Midreshet Noam School in Pardes Hannah, the love of man in him, his constant willingness to help every person, his goodness, grace He was always surrounded by many friends and family, lovers and admirers. S. assume responsibility and act with discretion and intelligence when this is required. Above all endowed with Ophir humility that accompanied him throughout his life. In late March 1995 he joined the army and was stationed Ophir in the Golani Brigade, which aspired to. He completed basic training as an outstanding soldier, and after a training course he served as a recruits commander. At the request of his commanders, he joined a course for infantry officers, but shortly before he finished, he wanted to return to his beloved Battalion 13. Ofir believed that a combat soldier should serve in places where “they do what is necessary,” as he put it, On August 14, 1997, Ophir headed a force that returned, On the way, the force mounted an explosive device in the security zone near the village of Telusa, and Ophir was critically wounded Shach and Ophir died at Rambam Hospital in Haifa after six and a half hours of struggle. He was twenty-one and a half years old when he fell. He was laid to rest in the Kfar Saba military cemetery. Survived by his parents, brother and sister. Ofir’s battalion commander said: “Ophir was a rare kind, with values ​​and motivation, charisma and professionalism. I felt pride as his commander, when in the investigation before his last mission he presented his details in great detail and showed impressive proficiency in the data … I noticed the admiration of his soldiers while Ophir answered the most difficult questions … We wanted him to be an officer in the battalion … “

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