Bashari, Isaac

Bashari, Isaac

Son of Avraham and her son. He was born in 1941 in Yemen and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1943. He graduated from elementary school in Kiryat Binyamin. After graduating, he went to work to help his father support the family. At first he worked for a short time as a tractor operator and later went to work in the garage and specialized in the framework profession. He persisted in his work to the satisfaction of his employers and won the esteem of his colleagues at work. Yitzhak was a joyful, loving and kindhearted boy. He was always willing to help others and did so whenever his help was needed. He was accepted in his company and surrounded by friends, with whom he spent most of his spare time, playing soccer, watching movies or doing other social activities. All his life he was devoted to his parents and tried to help them as best he could – his father helped support the family and helped his mother with household chores. His younger brothers had a kind of mentor and counselor, and he did much to advance them in their studies. Yitzhak was drafted into the IDF in early May 1959 and volunteered for the Infantry Corps and after completing basic training, he was assigned to one of the battalions and served until he was discharged from the regular army. His commanders were satisfied as a man, and as a soldier and in his discharge certificate, he noted that his behavior was very good and that he fulfilled his duties with great devotion and dedication. Sometimes he was called for periods of reserve service and as usual he would fulfill his role willingly and loyally After earning a handsome sum of money, he married his girlfriend, and eventually they had two daughters, Yael and Sophia, who was an exemplary father and devoted most of his time to spending time with his daughters. His girlfriend Shoshana, and their daughter, Limor, and the atmosphere in their home was calm and pleasant, and there was a relationship of understanding and love between them, and he often went on trips with his wife and daughter and tried to be with them most of the time. The Civil Defense. In mid-May 1974 he was called up for reserve duty and again he went willingly and fulfilled his duties loyally. On Sunday, 22.5.1974, he died at the military cemetery in Haifa, leaving behind a pregnant wife, three daughters, five brothers and four sisters, and his parents donated a Torah scroll to his memory.

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