Bashan, Shmuel

Bashan, Shmuel

Shmuel, Batya and Rafael, was born on 28.10.1942 in Kfar Blum. Shmuel was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early November 1962 and was assigned to the Communications Corps, where he completed a wireless course, a course for basic liaison officers and a basic officers’ course, in early May 1965. He married Dalia and the couple had three children: Adi, Yariv And immediately after his discharge he began studying at the Technion, Haifa, in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, and completed his studies with honors, returning to the agriculture and starting working in an electrical panel factory, which was at the beginning of his career, and the question arose as to whether he should continue to invest in it. Bo, the plant received tremendous momentum and became one of the best in this country Character number of member agriculture Moses: “Molly was not only a gifted engineer in the field of electricity and electronics – but was fully versed in all areas of the plant, including metalwork. I admired him as a genius. “People who came into close contact with Molly knew that they were close to a special person – not only A brilliant young man, but also a unique personality that can not be described in general terms. A complicated and complex personality, a person with contradictory characteristics, a humble and humble man, but with a strong influence on anyone who came into contact with him. Molly was not particularly sociable, in the usual and accepted sense. It was not for him the easy pastime. He did not feel comfortable at parties and hated the customary customs of society. Nevertheless, he was certainly a social man, a man whose field of interest had gone far beyond the professional field he had specialized in. Molly was interested in all the social problems in the agriculture and was constantly looking for justice and integrity. He served as a liaison officer in the Golan Heights on October 18, 1973. During the Yom Kippur War, Shmuel served as a liaison officer in the Golan Heights on October 18, 1973, He was brought to rest in the cemetery in Kfar Blum, leaving behind a wife, daughter and two sons, parents, brother and sister

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