Bash, Uriel (Uri)

Bash, Uriel (Uri)

Was born on October 24, 1928 in Berlin, the capital of Germany, and immigrated to Israel with his parents and his brother Micha in June 1933. Uriel studied at the Talpiot school in Jerusalem and grew up in an atmosphere of national duty, A member of the Haganah, he was a member of the Haganah in 1943. Uriel was active in sports, especially in the quartet of the rowing club, From the age of 16 on, he went on summer vacations to labor camps, and he worked in the Gadna and later in the Hagai, and despite his modesty and humility After a year of service as a guard, in the village of Maccabi, he entered the Technion in Haifa in early 1948 and shortly thereafter joined the Carmeli Brigade and took part in the defense of the city and operations in Wadi Rushmia, in the lower city. , Securing transportation, breaking through the road to Mitzpeh and the great campaign to liberate the city of Haifa. After the Passover vacation at his parents’ home he went with his battalion to liberate the Western Galilee. Participated in the conquest of Napoleon Hill near Acre, which opened the way to the Western Galilee, and the battle to conquer the police fortress in Acre fell on May 17, 1948. Uriel was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa.

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