Barzilai (Izn), Arieh

Barzilai (Izn), Arieh

Son of Chaya and Jacob-Yosef. He was born in 1922 in the city of Beligrod, Poland, and immigrated to Israel in 1924. He immigrated to Israel in 1925 and married his five children, including Arieh, who was two and a half years old. He studied at the “Tachkemoni” school, was a smart, sensitive and good-hearted boy, was a member of the Hanoar Haoved movement, took part in a naval activity of Hapoel in Tel Aviv, and during the 1936-1939 events joined the ranks of the Haganah. The Haganah organization concentrated mainly on the naval unit that over time became part of the Palmach. When he was 16 years old, he volunteered for the Nutras and served in the police of the Hebrew settlements of Rishon LeZion in tour roles, guarding installations, ambushes, etc. His commanders found him to be an excellent, courageous and pleasant, quiet and modest fighter. Twenty-two youngsters from the Haganah for a special mission outside the borders of the country. On May 18, 1941, he parted from his family and the next day he went with his friends to a mission in Lebanon aimed at blowing up the refineries in Tripoli. When the invasion was over, the fighters were divided into three classes: one to guard the boats, the other to secure the railway line leading to the refineries, and the third to carry out the sabotage. However, the operation was not carried out and the reason for this has not been known to this day. The fighters did not return to their base, and their traces were unknown. At the age of 18, Aryeh was separated from his family and he never returned. A memorial to the “23 Yordei HaSira” is located on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem and is named after the School for Marine Officers in Acre, and was discovered in the year 2017 in BROCOWOOD 1939 in Brockwood, Great Britain. This fallen hero is a “maklan” – a hero whose burial place is unknown.

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