Baruch, Israel

Baruch, Israel

Son of Naima and Shimon. He was born on Wednesday, 6 January 1946, in Iraq and immigrated to Israel with his family in 1951. He grew up in Tel Aviv and studied at the Vitkin Elementary School and at the Holtz High School in the field of aircraft electrical engineering. At the beginning of January 1964, he was stationed in the air force as an electrician with interception aircraft. He volunteered for career service and in 1976 successfully completed an officers’ course. Among his duties are: Head of the Operations and Operations Systems Division in the Wing, and the following are the assessments of his commanders in his personal file: “Quiet, unobtrusive but confident.” “Responsible, dedicated and disciplined.” The letter of the Six-Day War, the Yom Kippur War, and the Peace of the Galilee: Over the years he married Yehudit and they had three children – Shai, Alon and Naomi – on September 18, 1986, Israel fell while serving And was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Holon, leaving behind a Jewish wife, two sons – Shai and Alon, daughter of Naomi, and six brothers and sisters – Israel received a certificate of appreciation and respect for his service. S family wrote to his commander: “Israel and served in the Air Force twenty-two years in a variety of positions of maintenance. His service was characterized by dedication, diligence and professionalism. His behavior served as an example of honesty and humility. Even during his illness, during his most difficult hours, he remained the same: wise, modest, courageous. “

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