Baruch, David

Baruch, David

Ben Batya and Rafael. He was born on August 1, 1966 in Tel Aviv. He began his studies at the David Remez Elementary School, which continues at the Rogozin High School in Ironi V, and graduated from the Max Payne High School in Tel Aviv. He was an outstanding student and received a scholarship for excellence in high school. David was a quiet, introverted and sensitive child who loved the other and cared for his friends and family. David, a member of the Mahanot Ha’olim, was very fond of sports, especially soccer, and was a devoted fan of Beitar Jerusalem, and was considered a sports leader and led his friends to the first places in football and pulling rope. In July 1984, David was drafted into compulsory military service in the Israel Defense Forces, and at the end of basic training he was assigned to the Ordnance Corps. . He served in the corps as five riders. His commanders testified that he was a very good soldier. Responsible, disciplined and dedicated. He fulfilled his duties in a precise manner and performed his task well, with reliability and professionalism. David was promoted to the rank of sergeant, and in July 1987 David joined the ranks of the career army On the day of Tu B’Shvat 5752 (January 20, 1992) David fell in the line of duty in a road accident at the Golani Junction. He was twenty-six years old when he fell, brought to rest in the military cemetery in Holon and left behind his parents and brother.

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