Baruch, David

Baruch, David

Son of Nissim and Esther. He was born on the 30th of Tammuz 5706 (June 30, 1941) in the city of Varna, Bulgaria, the years of the Nazi regime and his father, who was deported from the city to a remote village and village, Youth Aliyah “He wanted to be in the kibbutz and despite the difficulties of absorption he managed to acquire many friends among his acquaintances, and he grew up in the company of children, working, studying and participating in the movement, and was always ready to help his friends. He was among the first among his friends to be drafted into the IDF in June 1960 and served In the air force as a pilot until he reached the rank of captain. The spirit of confidence in him was mixed with a wonderful tenderness and cordiality that affected everyone. As a combat pilot he participated in the Six-Day War; As a veteran officer in the career army and a courageous fighter, he took part in the air battle that took place in the skies of Sinai around Bir-Gafgafa on the 9th of Iyar 5727 (8.6.1967), the fourth day of battles, and fell. (A member of Yad Mordechai) who had been expecting the birth of her first child. He was laid to rest in the cemetery at Yad Mordechai. The commander of his squadron wrote in a letter of condolence to his wife and parents about his wonderful personality: “It was quiet and did not stand out, and only after he was with us in the squadron were his varied talents on the ground and his high ability in the air revealed. My soul that infected all those around it. ” In a leaflet issued by Yad Mordechai, his memory was mentioned with the memory of Yehoshua Shachori. A booklet commemorating the first anniversary of his death was published by Yad Mordechai. In the booklet “53 of them” in memory of the fallen members of Kibbutz Artzi who fell in the Six Day War, a page was dedicated to the story of his life. It was also mentioned in a booklet issued by the committee for the Independence Day events of the Lod municipality.

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