Bardes, Yaakov (Kobi)
Son of Dvora Bardes and Leon Yaakov. He was born on 13.3.1968 in Jaffa. At the age of three he moved to Haifa with his mother, who married Eliahu in the hood and grew up in their home. Koby studied at the Tel Hai elementary school in Haifa and completed his studies at Ironi Gimmel High School and practical engineers and technicians at the Technion, and in the eyes of Kobi the school had to be filled and his eyes were subject to other, fascinating and attractive occupations “Kobi was always surrounded by many friends, and for good reason he stuck to the nickname ‘chief’. He was a member of the Association for Underwater Activities in Israel, and in September 1986, after completing his studies, he went to the Mahanot Ha’olim youth movement, to which he belonged, Yevuz Eyal with members of the “Atad” nucleus, and in January 1987 he was drafted into the IDF, his friendly and friendly nature and his willingness to help also stood out in his military service, especially in the Nahal brigade. After basic training and training in the brigade, the battalion got up to catch a line in the north. On July 7, 1987, when an axis was opened, the force was hit by a side-charge. Kobi was killed on the spot. He was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Haifa. His family and friends published a pamphlet in his memory. His mother commemorated his name by donating a Torah library to the Neve Zion synagogue in Neve Sha’anan. His name is also commemorated at the Yad Labanim home in Ramat Hasharon, where his father lived, and at the Yad Lebanim House in Haifa, where he lives.