Bardas, Yosef (Yossele)

Bardas, Yosef (Yossele)

Son of Sarah and Yehuda, was born in 1926 in Damascus, the capital of Syria. In 1933, at the age of seven, he immigrated to Israel and lived in Haifa. He graduated from an elementary school and from a young age worked in the “Magpere” factory, as an expert in the rubber industry, and was supported by the poor family. Despite this, he did not hesitate to leave his place of work during the first days of the battles in Israel and joined the Haganah Company A in Haifa, which moved from position to position and defense of the Hebrew city. Because he knew Arabic well, he was one of the first Rangers who had been active in Arab Haifa. On the 27th of Tevet 5708 (27.12.1947), he set out at the head of his class to blow up a house on Yechiel Street in Haifa, near his place of residence. As a scout, he went in front of the squad and fell from the ambush, after he had managed to warn his friends who had followed him. Was the first victim of the Haganah in Haifa at the beginning of the War of Independence. Joseph was brought to rest in the cemetery in Haifa.

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