Barashat, Yaniv

Barashat, Yaniv

The firstborn son of Hedva and Abraham. Was born in Hadera on the eve of Rosh Hashana, 29 Elul 5736 (24.9.1976). Six months after his birth, the family hid in Acre, where he went to kindergarten. When he was four, his brother Assaf was born. Yaniv, a smiling and loving child of children and people, has connected with him from the first moment deep love ties, without jealousy or competition. When he was in second grade at the “Tomer” elementary school, his sister Liat was born, and she, too, received love and endless devotion from her two older brothers. When Yaniv finished elementary school, the family moved to Nahariya. Yaniv was absorbed with great speed in the new environment and in the new children’s home in the Amal high school in the city, and especially in the Hiram Scouts, which joined him. Yaniv celebrated his Bar Mitzvah with relatives and friends, with a great majority and with great joy. At school, Yaniv became a magnet for friends, especially for girls, when he discovered his talents in dance and singing. He has been a member of the Nahariya representative dance troupe and of the “Kolot Amal” dance troupe, devoting much of his energies and time to various performances – poetry, imitations, dance and dance performances. In addition, Yaniv volunteered for the Civil Guard. In July 1995, Yaniv joined the IDF, together with his two close friends, and served as a training sergeant and training officer at the School for Class Commanders. For two years he served in the remote Yeruham, maintaining constant telephone contact with his loving family, embracing everyone from afar. On January 17, 1998, Yaniv fell to the military cemetery in Nahariya, leaving behind his parents, brother and sister, and the chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Amnon Lipkin- Shahak wrote to the family: “… Yaniv was described by his commanders as a smiling soldier, who had a developed sense of humor and stood out in the joy of life and in his energy. “His friends and family published a book in his memory, including pictures and memoirs from his life, among his family, friends and friends, as well as songs and letters from Yaniv and his family. : “… I remember your last Thursday in folk dancing, about two weeks before the disaster. You came back from the dance at night and woke me up – as I asked you … and you asked if I had heard the ‘pictures in the album’ and I answered you enthusiastically, ‘Not only did I hear, but I feel like I wrote it. The song ‘Charming’ … You promised to teach me the dance … Today there is a song and pictures left, because you, Yaniv, have a lot of pictures in the album, and like the song, you Yaniv. Your brothers ran from window to window to see if you had already arrived, and Dad ran to the orchards to buy you citrus fruit straight from the orchard, and I cooked and baked for you the delicacies you loved, and prayed for you to keep you safe. But you need not God, my precious son. He took you away from me in the middle of my life and in the beginning of your life. I did not learn the dance, and for you it was the last dance … “Yaniv’s father wrote on the anniversary:” For a year without you / And I miss so much / The suffocation in my throat increases / from moment to moment. His close friend, Golan, wrote in his memory: “We were called the three musketeers, and when one was missing, they asked where else Moskiter / the beautiful days I remember more / we always did nonsense / and we did not have We had a lot of friends, acquaintances and acquaintances, but we always knew how to keep each other loyal. B and soul were / friends for better or worse / and we helped each otherIn every trouble or favor … One thing you will not forget / How did you know everyone to make fun / And to raise your morale in difficult situations … / Our dreams together can no longer be fulfilled / But wherever I travel and wherever I am / In my mind’s eye I will see you next to me / and I will try to feel you next to me … “Along with the memorial book, a CD with songs by Yaniv Ahav and songs composed in his memory was also published, and in October 1999 a dance was held with the participation of dancers and artists. The audience learned a dance composed by the song on the CD, and took part in various dances – which were loved by Yaniv. A slave, Yaniv’s friends and a large crowd of dancers (about 300 people) who danced with Yaniv in various frameworks.

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