Barami, Yaron

Barami, Yaron

The eldest son of Miriam and Arieh. Yaron was born in Be’er Sheva on August 15, 1979. He was followed by three other children. Yaron studied at the yeshiva and was an outstanding student, advising everyone, encouraged when necessary, “always supported and helped,” the family says. After serving in the IDF, Yaron enlisted in the Israel Prison Service on September 22, 2003. At first he was appointed security guard at Dekel prison, and later served in the security field, the last of which was a guard sergeant. Yaron was killed in the Carmel disaster on November 2, 2007. On Thursday, December 2, 2010, a forest fire broke out on Mount Carmel, The fire, known as the “Carmel disaster,” the largest in the history of the state, destroyed a forest, grove and residential buildings in a large area of ​​the Carmel Park and the settlements About one-third of Beit Oren’s homes were set on fire and dozens more were being built in Ein Hod and the Yemin Orde Youth Village, and only three days later the fire forgot. The outbreak of the fire was accompanied by strong winds, which quickly spread to the area of ​​Nahal Hik, the Har Alon reserve, Damon Prison, Shukf Mountain Nature Reserve and Kibbutz Beit Oren. The officers’ bus and the officers of the officers’ training course of the Israel Prison Service (IPS), Class A. At 15:30, the cadets’ bus moved between ancient quarries and Beit Oren, followed by police cars. The fire broke through the walls of the bus, huge walls of fire blocked the traffic artery, seized everything, and at the peak of every shred of life, forty-four men and women perished, thirty-seven of them officers of the Prisons Service Officers, , Three firemen and three police officers, Yaron was thirty-one years old Landing in the military cemetery in Be’er Sheva. Leaving behind a pregnant wife and a daughter. Shortly after his fall a son Daniel was born.

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