Baram (Bernstein), Avi

Baram (Bernstein), Avi

Ben of Sonia and Yitzhak, was born on February 25, 1937 in Kibbutz Sarid and attended elementary school and later in the kibbutz high school. Avi was inextricably linked to the land of the Jezreel Valley. As a boy, he was assigned to work in the field of agriculture, a branch in which he dealt until his fall. He specialized in work and excelled in it, and finally was the center of the foliage branch at Kibbutz Sarid and coordinated the professional committee for the area. Avi was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in mid-November 1954. After completing a series of courses, he successfully completed the officer’s course and served as a battery commander in the Northern Command, and in May 1957, Avi was discharged from regular service and assigned to a reserve unit of the Artillery Corps. During the Yom Kippur War, his unit participated in the fighting in the Nafah region of the Golan Heights. Avi fought in these battles as a battery commander. He placed great confidence in his soldiers in his cool and efficient manner, especially during the difficult times of evacuating casualties from the battlefield. On October 16, 1973, he was hit by enemy shelling in the village of Jaba and was killed, brought to rest in the Sarid cemetery, and left behind a wife, four daughters, parents and two sisters,

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