Barak-Carter, Orly

Barak-Carter, Orly

Daughter of Ahuva and Avi. Was born on 16 February 1973 in Tel Aviv, the eldest daughter of her parents and sister to Ran and Tal. At the age of eight months she moved to Herzliya. Orly was transferred directly to the “Hanadiv” elementary school, from there to the Son of-Gurion Junior High School and to the “Rishonim” High School, where she earned her diplomas and won first place in a competition for the Herzliya city, In the “Personal Commitment.” At the end of 1990 she was drafted into the IDF and went to the Technion Medical Center in Haifa. In 1997, Orly married Dr. Dani Carter, a medical doctor, who moved to Mitzpeh Ramon, where she worked in the military clinic, and Orly worked as a family doctor at the health fund. In 2000 the couple moved to Kiryat Ono. In January 2001, Orly joined the ranks of the career army and worked as a doctor at the Tel Hashomer hospital facility. During her service she was promoted to captain. Orly was talented. She had always surprised everyone with her wisdom and beauty, had a dramatic talent and participated in all the plays in schools and at the Technion. Orly had a sense of humor, empathy and fluent writing. She grew up quickly, as if she knew she had a short time; she talked, sat and walked early, and by the time she was five and a half she had begun school. At the age of three, Orly knew that she would become a doctor and dreamed of joining Doctors Without Borders. She was a professional and humane doctor, and she always saw the person behind the disease. During the period she worked in Mitzpeh Ramon and the military facility, she acquired dozens of fans from among the patients and the staff, and received many gifts and thank-you letters. Even after her death, the family received telegrams and emotional letters, from patients and staff members who were in pain of parting from her. On October 21, 2001, Orly fell in her role as a twenty-eight-year-old wife, who was laid to rest in the military cemetery in Herzliya, and was survived by her husband, parents and two brothers On October 22, 2002, the anniversary of Orly’s death , Her loving brother, Ran, who died at the age of twenty-eight, died a month after Orly’s death, a moving evening was held at the facility, in which the staff expressed their love and longing for it. I had the privilege of getting to know Orly as her direct supervisor … I learned to know her as a doctor with a passion to learn more and more in many fields, with orderly work and professionalism at the highest level, Of the most human I knew … She was loved by the staff and the patients, received compliments and letters of thanks from patients and families and made me a lot of pleasure as a commander … I always felt that I would like for me and my family a doctor like Orly. “” Like a little girl. She knew every patient, every family. Orly was a real doctor, a human doctor, not a God, a man with feelings that knows not only how to hear but also to listen. A doctor who not only looks but also sees things, things that not everyone sees … Orly was a little doctor who people found it difficult to believe she was indeed the department’s doctor. So small, looks like a child … Their fears faded away when they entered her room, spoke to her and then they admired her, wanted her only and trusted her … Orly received more letters of thanks and appreciation than anyone else in the hospital facility, The military. She was the Lev, who treated the soldier as a man, not as an individual in the system … “” In her work she was serious, diligent, meticulous … but above all she was humane. As a person I knew other aspects: a childish side, full of bitterHappy. She was a caring, sweet person. Orly radiated optimism that penetrated the hearts of many patients who thought that their world had been destroyed because of their illness and that they had dealt with their condition … Orly was always there for us, whether to encourage, support, cure, joke, tease and console … We remained a ship without her mast That she will never be the same again as she used to be … “” Orly was a character who had a great influence on my life, and her memory would continue to influence … She was an excellent and devoted doctor, but I will always remember the person she was, “I saw her as a doctor – a small, blonde, smiling fairy …” “I’ve always seen the endless energy The heat, the smile did not come off, readiness to help uncompromising love for radiation and simply do not understand where all this came from. Today it’s clear to me that he had an extraordinary person. “” Orly was a rare and unique person. She integrated all the qualities of the doctor into her – seriousness, recognition of all the problems of the patient, extensive knowledge in various fields, work grammar and professional treatment for the patient and his / her family. Apart from these qualities, Orly had humanity, care, concern, unflagging patience, tremendous optimism, dedication, warmth and personal charm. The combination of these qualities coupled with being a great doctor, made people appreciate her, respect her, want only her and especially fall in love with her. Orly was a magnet and a source of attraction for the hospitalized, worried families, staff and anyone who wanted to come and talk. “Several excerpts of the letters of gratitude that Orly received during her service and military service:” You are the fulfillment of my ideal for what a doctor should be. With a Lev of gold, welcoming, giving encouragement and support to those in need and a smile to the sad ones, a reassuring explanation for those who do not understand. Professional and self-confident, considerate but insistent on her … “” Keep on being a caring doctor who always cares beyond what is needed. “After a deep disappointment with the military medical system, I felt that I had found a ray of light when I was in the military facility at Tel Hashomer … At first I was afraid to deposit my health in a military facility, but my fears faded away when I got to the good hands of Dr. Orly Carter, I was treated by a wonderful doctor who showed humanity, professionalism and thoroughness … The medical system is blessed with a unique doctor who combines high skill with caring and listening to the suffering of the sick. (This page is part of the Yizkor memorial project held by the Ministry of Defense)

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