Bar-Tov, Tuvia

Bar-Tov, Tuvia

Ben Shifra and Ezra. He was born on November 13, 1973, in Bnei Brak. He began his studies at the She’erit Yisrael elementary school in Petah Tikva. He studied at the “Nehalim” junior high school and continued his studies in a realistic track at the Or Zion Yeshiva in the Shapira Center, where he completed his studies. When he was in 10th grade he founded the Bnei Akiva branch in Hashmonaim and for many years, until his enlistment, he concentrated on the concentration of the branch and the guidance of youth. Prior to his induction, Tuvia underwent pilot tests and tests for naval pilots. In the middle of March 1992, he was drafted into the army, and he joined the army with a strong desire to be part of a leading group, he was drafted into a naval training course and eventually volunteered for an elite unit, He was a soldier with a high personal level, high numbers, and was an example of many soldiers, an ambitious, perfectionist, they said, and was able to stop his progress and move down, provided that he could try again to join the hardest and best unit. His friends described him as open, special, charismatic and independent, intelligent, a good friend, more He was brought to rest in the Segula Military Cemetery in Petach Tikvah, leaving behind his parents and three brothers – Hagai, Roi and Erez, in a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “As commander of the unit, I got to know Tuvia more closely. I was involved with his feelings and thoughts. He appeared to me and to his friends as a strong man, who was not deterred from coping. On the professional side, Tuvia showed great ability, especially in the field of shooting, in which he led and his ability increased in several levels over the others. In his daily life he stood out as a sociable person who was willing to help his friends at any time, and as an experienced supporter supported them in difficult situations. “His parents donated a holy ark and library to the synagogue in Hashmonaim, a Torah library for the Or Etzion yeshiva, Bnei Akiva in the community.

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