Bar-Shish, Isaac

Bar-Shish, Isaac

Son of Leon (Yehuda) and Esther. He was born on July 7, 1950 in Tangier, in Spanish Morocco. His family immigrated to Israel in 1955. Yitzhak studied at Shimshon Elementary School in Beit Shemesh and after graduating studied plumbing at the vocational high school at the Sophie Tucker Youth Center. Yitzhak was a member of the Hanoar Haoved Vehalomed youth movement and was always willing to volunteer for whatever he was required to and to contribute his part willingly and wholeheartedly. For this reason, he also completed his first aid course. Yitzhak loved traveling the country and exploring new places. He was a member of the “Citizenship in our Country” department. He was friendly and Simcha, and there was always a smile on his lips. In the Six-Day War, Yitzhak was one of the first to report for help and was one of the members of the “Fire Brigade” who called for the help of the kibbutzim on the border of the Jordan River, to extinguish it. He loved the army, but it did not diminish his love for his family, which he always cared for. When he came home for a vacation, he would whistle into the room so his mother would not be surprised when he entered the house and was frightened. On February 9, 1970, he fell in an enemy attack on the Suez Canal and was brought to rest in the cemetery in Beit Shemesh. One of the kibbutzim of the Jordan Valley, who had heard of Fallen, had not forgotten Yitzhak’s help during the war and expressed his respect and condolences to him in a press release.

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