Bar-Lev, Israel

Bar-Lev, Israel

Son of Shaul and Mina, born in Poland, who came to the training camps in Germany at the end of World War II, and from there immigrated to Israel as part of the “Ha – Kovesh” group on the ship “Exodus.” Israel was born on August 8, 1948 in Givat Haim and was the first member of the “Ha-Kovesh” group, and grew up in Givat Haim and completed elementary and high school in Givat Hayim Ihud, In his younger years, he enjoyed a great tour of the country and did so at every opportunity and every summer vacation, and as a child he reached the brink of his youth during the days of the Kadesh system and joined a group of kibbutz members who went on a third year of service at the Sde Boker group, because he knew the responsibility he was given Cold-worked plantations and agricultural machinery garage and was active in the cultural field. He was loved and accepted by all members. Israel was drafted in November 1967 and volunteered for the paratroops. During the course of the raid on Shadwan Island, Israel fell on 15 Shvat (22.1.1970) and was buried in the cemetery in Givat Chaim.

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