Bar-Lavi, Yoram

Bar-Lavi, Yoram

Son of Yael and Gabriel. Born in Jerusalem on June 15, 1964, he studied at the Scold Elementary School in Jerusalem and completed his studies at the “Beit Hinuch” high school in the real world, and Yoram volunteered for a pre-military course of the Intelligence Corps and graduated with a high grade And was one of the most prominent in the course, and was drafted into the IDF in early February 1983. After basic training, he was assigned to the Intelligence Corps. According to his commander Yoram was a soldier and commander of a friendly and friendly nature, with a great professional knowledge, disciplined, and served as a good example to all the base soldiers. In summaries of interviews with him it was written that he “reveals a very high level of professionalism, responsibility and dedication to work.” On the eve of the fourth Chanukah candle – 30 days before Yoram leaves for his discharge from his regular service – while the family prepares to celebrate Hanukkah together, the bitter news of the fall of Yoram in the course of his duties in the region Mount Hermon. Yoram was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. Survived by his parents, two sisters – Nurit and Tamar, and brother – Shahar. In his letter of condolence to the family, his commander wrote: “In his service as an operator in the Golan Heights, Yoram stood out for his excellent thinking and perception, his dedication to work, his responsibility and the great initiative he demonstrated, and not long ago he was appointed deputy commander of the professional department, And the best of the bunch. As a result of his success and excellence he was appointed deputy commander of a sensitive, vital and central team, and here too he discovered and demonstrated the many talents and skills that are stored in him. His vast experience in field work. His high personal ability and the initiative he demonstrated, all continued to serve as a commander and as a first-rate professional. His volunteer work and his readiness to help with all he could, his seriousness in his work and his open-mindedness, attest to the excellent and rooted education he received in his parents’ home and his great love for work and for the unit “

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