Bar, Ehud (“Udi”)

Bar, Ehud (“Udi”)

Son of Shalom and Sarah. He was born on October 25, 1954 in England. At the age of two he returned to Israel with his parents. He completed his studies at the Rehavia Elementary School in Jerusalem and continued his high school studies at the Rehavia High School. Ehud was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in early October 1973 and was assigned to the Military Police Corps, where he took part in a rifle course and later took part in a military police course and a course of criminal interrogators and was assigned to the police-military unit in Judea and Samaria. He was very fond of his work and succeeded in it, and his commanders greatly admired him and recommended that he send him to take a course in the Military High School. He completed his studies as an outstanding apprentice. On August 10, 1975, Ehud died at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem and left behind his parents and two brothers in a letter of condolences to the bereaved family: “Udi was a dedicated researcher , Loved his role and was proud of her. During the course of his service in the IDF and the Israel Police Force, he underwent a police-military course, a course for criminal investigators, and a course for military sergeants who completed his studies as an outstanding soldier.

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