Bar-Am (Tartakovsky), Yeshayahu (“Shaike”)

Bar-Am (Tartakovsky), Yeshayahu (“Shaike”)

Son of Meir and Raya. He was born on 19 April 1936 in Tel Aviv and attended the Yavneh and son of Yehuda elementary schools and the Montefiore High School in Tel Aviv. He loved history and science and read many books on these subjects. When he was in Gadna, he was interested in the sport of Dahaya, and he was a great swimmer, and during the summer he devoted himself to swimming for a long time. As he grew older, he discovered the magic of jazz music and played jazz tunes with great talent and passion, and his Lev was full of love for every creature in the world, and especially for man, most of all connected to his family: his parents, brother and brother’s family. Shaike was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in August 1954 and served in every service Hand imposed thoroughly and diligence. As a result, he was promoted to sergeant. After his discharge from the regular service, he was hired at Bank Leumi, even though he had never known anything about banking. His strong desire to succeed, his reasonable logic and brilliant mind helped him and over the 13 years he worked in the bank progressed up. Shaike adjusted to the workers and they adjusted to him and won their admiration and admiration. His good, reassuring smile and the great attention he would devote to each customer gave him the name of a good counselor and many trusted him. He was clear-headed and full of understanding, and so he was able to express an opinion that was sound, decisive and convincing. In mid-1969 he received a signature right at the bank and managed a securities department. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to the development and nurturing of the department-and succeeded. All his actions were balanced and intelligent, and he was full of optimism, energy, and security. This is how he set out for the future – both within the framework of his private life in his family’s circle and in his work at the bank. Shaike did not flinch from any difficulty – real or imagined – and was not afraid of putting a burden on his shoulders. At the beginning of November 1969, he was called to active reserve duty and on Monday, November 30, 1969, he fell in the line of duty, brought to rest in the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul and laid down a wife and three children. Yom Kippur, wrote in a letter of condolence to the family: “Yeshayahu Bar-Am z” l came to the battalion about 12 years ago, during all these years he was doing his work exemplary and always served as an example to others. In arguments between soldiers he was always a mediator and mediator, and he also made sure to soften extremist positions of commanders toward soldiers. “In Ofek, the newspaper of Bank Leumi le-Israel’s employees, and in the” Igeret “journal of the board of directors and authorized signatories of Bank Leumi le-Israel and of the General Apothecary Bank (Tevet 5770), were written In his memory special articles in which he praised his special qualities; A tree in his name and his memory was planted in the Kennedy Forest near Jerusalem by relatives from the United States.

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