Balicki, Alexei

Balicki, Alexei

Ben Ludmilla and Alexander. He was born on the 14th of Elul 5741 (14.9.1981) in Riasan, Russia. Brother to Boris. Alexey was shy, gentle, and pleasant. He bought his early education in a kindergarten in his hometown, where he also went on to elementary school. From the age of eight to eleven, he lived with his family in Czechoslovakia, where his father worked on a mission. Twelve years old, he returned to Ryazan to continue his studies there. In 1996 the family immigrated to Israel and established their home in Rishon Letzion. Alexei entered the “Dorot” elementary school, and despite his shyness, was welcomed by the children. He completed his high school studies at the “Carry High School” in the city, and even though he was not one of the outstanding students, he completed his studies successfully. During his free time he worked and saved money. Alexei showed great interest in the world of culture and art – loved literature, poetry, cinema and theater, read many books both in Russian and Hebrew, and was a great admirer of the greatest Israeli playwright – Hanoch Levin. He was well versed in Israeli cinema and especially liked the films of Boaz Davidson’s “Alex Love Sick” – the great cult films of all time, Eyal Halfon’s “Circus of Palestine” and Arik Kaplun’s “Friends of Yana,” and tried to instill this love in his family as well. In the yearbook of the Reali Gymnasium, it was written: “Aleksei Balicki – record: door closures Medical problem: too nice” Alex: “Love sick.” Obsession: Change the class: Message from the class: Live and let live. In his quiet nature, Alexei gathered around him friends who appreciated his kindness, spiritual wealth, and compassion for the weak. Alexei had developed social and political consciousness, and he held firm views. In his youth, he joined the Meretz youth, where he shared his views and principles, was active and involved in the movement, and acquired good friends. Even though he was a devout pacifist, as the date of enlistment approached, Alexei expressed his words: “I owe the country that received us.” When he enlisted in the IDF on July 31, 2000, he was assigned to the Armored Corps and served in the “Adam” Battalion 195. In the army Alexei met new friends who were friends with him, and he also spent time with him. The events of the “tidal wave” and acts of terror that took the lives of hundreds of Israelis posed many challenges to his unit, and he participated in many activities, including Operation Defensive Shield conducted by the IDF in the spring 2002 in Judea and Samaria. Alexei did not go home very much, but during his short vacations he shared his experiences with his parents and insisted on translating every military concept into Russian. “He felt very Israeli, it was important for him to do the combination,” his mother said. Alexei also updates his new life, and tells about his feelings in the letters he wrote: “… I believe that you have heard about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the acts of terror that are taking place here. In the tank when they shot at us, and of course we had to return fire … Basically, the service here is not exactly safe, but there is nothing to be done, in such a state I live in, even though I would prefer to have peace here. I know that there was an article about our tanks on the Russian news channel about six months ago, Becky When we gave up the Palestinian city of Jenin. My crew and I were in the tank for three days we could not get out. ” In another letter, he said: “In the past four months we have been catching a line near Bethlehem, and we will be here for two months, after which we will leave for training, after which we will catch a line in the Golan Heights.And I’m not sure about it – I love him, I’ve gained a lot of friends in the army and we’re very consolidated, which helps overcome the daily hardships. “Alexei was about to be discharged from the IDF within five months and was already planning the next step: Nursing studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Tailored to his character and personality. In his last conversation with his mother on Friday night, Alexei said he would take a vacation early this week and said he was worried that he was leaving, while his friends remained in the Gaza Strip. A few hours later his life was severed. Alexei fell in operational activity near Dugit on the 13th of Adar 5763 (February 15, 2003). Alexei and his tank friends made their way to one of the positions in the northern Gaza Strip, when the tank mounted a 100-kilogram cargo. The fire that broke out as a result of the explosion caused the tank’s ammunition to explode and explode as well, and all the occupants of the tank were killed on the spot. Staff Sergeant Doron Cohen – his best friend, Staff Sergeant Itai Mizrahi and Sergeant Noam Begun – were among those killed. The muddy ground in the area of ​​the blast prevented firefighters from reaching the site. Only after the ammunition stopped exploding did firefighters extinguish the fire with manual fire extinguishers, and the tank was towed with bulldozers to the nearby settlement of Dugit. Two more hours passed before the bodies of the fighters were rescued. In the area of ​​the incident, another explosive device was discovered, which was neutralized by sappers. Alexei, 21, was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Rishon Letzion. Survived by parents and brother, also a soldier. After his fall he was promoted to First Sergeant.

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