Balaban, Yaakov

Balaban, Yaakov

Born on the 21st of Tevet 267 (26.12.1926) in the city of Baosh, Romania. On July 29, 1946 he boarded the Haganah, was transferred to the Atlit detention camp and released four months later. At the beginning of the War of Independence Yaakov enlisted together with his comrades in the Golani brigade and on February 1 he was sent for training in the Zeraim group. With the resumption of fighting at the end of the first truce, the Iraqis aggressively attacked the line of our forces in the Jenin area. Ya’akov participated in the battles in the Mokibela region and fell in battle on the 3rd of Tamuz, July 10, 1948. He was buried in Kibbutz Mesilot, and on the 14th of Elul 5712 (4.9.1952) he was laid to rest in the military cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.

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