Bal, Arie (Lewis)

Bal, Arie (Lewis)

Was born on 10 March 1922 in Vienna, the capital of Austria, and his father was a US-born sculptor, Ludwig studied bookkeeping in a commercial school, and when he and his brother succeeded in moving to Switzerland, Ludwig immigrated to the United States and his brother Simon immigrated to Palestine, where he became an American citizen, changed his name to Lewis, enlisted in the American army and reached the rank of Serge He served in the American garrison in Austria, his native country, and since his release aspired to emigrate A to Israel-Israel following his brother Simon (Sam), pioneer and commander of the Haganah exemplary “and the IDF. Aryeh arrived in Israel on an illegal immigrant ship, and spent some time in detention in Cyprus and came to Israel in December 1947. He was a talented and good-natured boy. His brother moved him to Kibbutz Maayan Baruch to learn the language and to integrate into the country. He joined the Palmach, fought in various sectors of the front, and recently served in the Negev Brigade in the Negev On the night of 8-9 July 1948, during the “An-Peer” Iraq-Suweidan, in an attempt to break through the Negev, was the fifth attack on the fortress, and the force succeeded in breaking through the fences, but the heavy Egyptian fire, the ammunition that had run out and the dawn that forced it forced the force to retreat. 1948). On the 14th of Elul 5708 (14.9.1948), his brother Shimon (Sam) Smargad fell in the village of Malcha, and on the 16th of Shevat 5711 (23.1.1951) he was laid to rest at the Nachlat Yitzhak military cemetery.

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