Baeloha, Nadav

Baeloha, Nadav

The eldest son of Tamar and Elifaz, brother of Neta, Yotam and Roy. He was born on July 7, 1985 in Carmiel, On March 21, 2004, Nadav enlisted in the Golani brigade and began his arduous combat path. The training lasted for sixteen months, at the end of which he was sworn in as a “Egoz” fighter. From the first moment in the company, everyone realized that we had a special case here, a person who is not like everyone else. ” Thanks to his excellence, Nadav received the prestigious role of the team’s spearhead, who stands on the right hand side of the force commander and leads the team. “He was one of the best navigators in the company if not the best,” the friends testified. “Always when we got an operation or a mission, everyone Were initially indifferent to this, but Nadav could already be found in Modiin, working on aids and maps and learning how to navigate and lead the team to the target. Nadav was a “poisoned” soldier for Golani, and his team was his whole world, and when he went home for a weekend he was interested in his friends who remained at the base “We were looking for a word for you in the psychometric book, and we found the word ‘altruist,’ which is the opposite of ‘Aguigast’ …” Nadav, who could not bear quarrels And disagreements, is considered the peacemaker on the team, and it is not for nothing that his friends called him “the heart of gold” or “the soul.” “You can not describe people who did not know him well In humility had, “they say,” When we had to get up early some exercise Nadav was up to us and woke us while it was doing all morning parade alone. “You were the engine of the team … Your smile, your presence, made people follow you and know that you will take them to the right place, safe and sound.” “In every request they ask, he will give it all, even if it is Will come at his own expense without receiving compensation, and that was his greatness. We all knew him as the best and most loyal friend we could ever have. “During his service Nadav was awarded the Medal of Excellence, and as the team’s best photographer he was given a photography course and became the team’s photographer. “Every mother would want a child like this,” says Shosh, who lives next door to the family, unlike most of his contemporaries. Nadav did not plan a large trip abroad after the liberation, To make ‘Cross Israel’ as a liberation trip. “Nadav said our country is so beautiful and there is so much more to see, that he does not need to get out of here,” one of the members explained. On every vacation from the army, Nadav would go for walks in Israel, armed with his camera and perpetuating his experiences. In one of the photographs found after his fall, Nadav was seen guiding a group of hikers in one of the observatories. His friends say that there was no place he did not know, including his history: “We all knew that whether it was a trip by the staff to the Judean desert, whether it was a team run and a Shavei Zion, or a motorbike in the Acre market area to reach Sa’id, Only one address – you – there seems to be no place you did not know like your hand – really brilliant, genius! ” On July 7, 2006, Nadav celebrated his twenty-first birthday. He had not gone home for three weeks, and this weekend he stayed at the base. His family brought him good things and made him happy, but Nadav did not win the birthday gifts that awaited him at home. A few days after his birthday, the Second Lebanon War broke out and Nadav went with his company to Lebanon. “I know it sounds selfish, but if something happens, I prefer it to happen to me …” – these were Nadav’s words to his friend before they embarked on their last activity. First sergeant Nadav al-Fallah was killed in a battle in southern Lebanon on July 20, 2006, when he led his crew as a shotgun to take over a house in which terrorists were staying in the village of Maroun al-Ras. In addition to Nadav, his commander, Major Binyamin Hillman, and three of his friends – First Sergeant Yonatan Valessiuk, First Sergeant Rafanel Muskal and First Sergeant Liran Saadia – were killed. “We began to take control of buildings in the village, and Benji’s force was still able to hit and kill a number of terrorists who had passed throughHis face is in a car. As Barak’s force moved from structure to structure, Benji’s force was hit by a deadly barrage of missiles and in a few minutes we lost Benji, Liran and Penny, and several more were wounded. At the same time, Barak’s force continued its advance in the village, and at the entrance to one of the houses, a single burst of a terrorist hit Nadav who was a leading force, killing him as well. “The fall of our comrades in battle is a will for us to be better fighters, more professional fighters, more sophisticated fighters, to defend our country and to attack our enemies in a better and more efficient manner,” said the commander. He was laid to rest in the military section of the Karmiel cemetery, leaving his parents, a sister and two brothers….
Many articles in the press illuminated his image, and many lit virtual candles in his memory. The family’s Web site includes the story of Nadav’s life, a picture gallery, eulogies and more. URL: http://www.evelnet.co.il/personal/p_main.aspx?sid=55. Matan wrote: “I always admired him for his broad heart and for his soul, which seemed to have no end … He made me a better person … Nadav was always an exemplary sign before our camp, the small team he loved so much. … You were a friend and evil but more than that you were a teacher and educator of how a man should be. ” Nadav was immortalized in many factories. The Municipal Basketball League in Karmiel was named after him, and his family awards the trophy to the winners. “Nadav used to accompany me as a player and coach,” said Elifaz, his father, “and when he grew up he would analyze the game with me … He always came on Fridays and saw me going to practice and saying, ‘We’ll play together in the municipal league.’ To realize his dream, we as his family decided to name the league after him. ” The opening ceremony of the Municipal League in the name of Nadav was also a salute to the Golani Brigade and to the Egoz Patrol, its great love and pride. Ort Megadim High School also chose to commemorate Nadav in a basketball tournament held in his memory. In the course of the ceremony, seven waves were unveiled in memory of each of the fallen soldiers in the Second Lebanon War, including Nadav. At the request of the family, the Karmiel municipality established the “Nadav Observation Point” on Derech Hashalom in Karmiel, at a point that overlooks the landscape of the country that Nadav loved so much. At the unveiling of the monument at the fort, Elifaz said, “Nadav was indebted . More than Ben, Nadav was my friend. … a determined guy who loves knowledge, loves friends, loves nature and loves the land for which he fought and fell. Nadav left a heritage of love for the country. “Nadav’s family, in cooperation with Ort Braude College, established a joint scholarship fund in the name of Nadav, which awards scholarships to students serving in combat units every year. His desire to serve in a combat unit, his desire to study technological studies after the army, and the endless giving to his teammates and all those around him. Giving is the gift of the heart. She is a homeland and is not taught. “The IDF preparation unit” Extreme Fitness “immortalized Nadav in reading the first 10 kilometers of journey the trainees undergo. In memory of Nadav, Adia Ben-Zaken wrote the song “Hanit Balev” performed by Hila Harari. The song was uploaded to the Internet, and can be found at: http://6rbtata.com/view/XdCvWFqytnw/ Hanit_Bulb _ _ _ Hila_hari. The parasha of the week in which Nadav was born, in which he went up to the Torah at the Bar Mitzvah, is also the story on the day of his fall. Every year his parents make sure to attend the synagogue on Shabbat. His parents wrote: “… Nadav resembled a white angel sent to our world for a limited period in order to help and improve, and one day without notice he leaves, leaves nothing material but only memories. Man and infinite gift, and his satisfaction was expressed in the joy he had imparted to his surroundings. “

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