Bader, Ephraim
Ephraim, son of Tzipora and Aharon, was born on 2 February 1951 in Akko and completed his studies at the “Har V’Gai” School in Kibbutz Dafna and was a diligent student with a strong will and patience and was especially interested in mathematics, He devoted himself to teaching youth in the Oren group, and his apprentices appreciated him very much, and he tried to teach them to understand poetry and music, sometimes using quizzes. He was a good athlete and excelled in the basketball game and even served as a referee in competitions He was an open-hearted fellow, modest and very talkative about himself, and was loved by his acquaintances, who nicknamed him “Froyke.” He was very sociable, active in meetings and parties, and often contributed to the social events from his mouth – songs and songs. son of was devoted to his family, admired his mother, who had great love for him, and was connected to his kibbutz “HaGoshrim” and took advantage of his short vacations to help with the various jobs in the agriculture. After basic training and after completing a course from reconnaissance patrols, he completed a course for infantry officers and was sent to an officer training course. He did not like the army, but was determined to fulfill his duty in full and devoted manner, and was popular in the army and formed a unique relationship between him and his friends, commanders and subordinates. He served as a member of the unit, and did not create a situation in which some of the soldiers had pocket money while others did not, and on October 9, 1973, Ephraim fought as an armored personnel carrier commander in the area of Buqata In the Golan Heights, along with his unit, which repelled an attack by the Syrians and rescued wounded. The unit encountered an ambush with anti-tank weapons and Ephraim’s armored personnel carrier and two other armored personnel carriers covered their comrades in order to rescue the wounded. He died of his wounds on the 14th of Tishrei 5734 (October 10, 1973) and was brought to eternal rest in the cemetery at Kibbutz HaGoshrim. Survived by his parents, brothers and sisters. After his fall, he was promoted to lieutenant. The commander of the unit wrote about him: “Ephraim fulfilled his duties in a manner worthy of special mention, with sacrifice and self-sacrifice in the battle.” His comrades-in-arms wrote: “Even his punishments were different: he had to write essays about funny subjects, or he would show the offender that he no longer had faith in him-and that was the worst punishment of all. Full trust in his subordinates and never “took down” orders, but always explained and convinced. On his grave it was said: “The comfortable radiation of his personality was, even without knowing, a good atmosphere, and his rebellion over dishonesty or injustice was at its height. His kibbutz published a book in memory of members of the Hagoshrim farm, who fell in battle. In the chapter devoted to Ephraim, the following are brought to his attention: “… What is beauty, what is measured, or how it feels, it has neither smell nor taste, and sometimes it has a certain color or shape. To present it as a ‘gift’ is not practical, but what is the criterion for the good of the person, and the question is: What is love, how do you eat it, why do I write all this? To put it down and put it on, I think I know … “.