Badan, Sami

Badan, Sami

Ben Georgette and Anton. Sami was born on 29 May 1952 in the city of Nazareth. He studied and was educated at the Slishan High School in Nazareth. Sami began his service with the Israel Police at the age of eighteen. At first he served on a tour of the Jerusalem area and at the same time began his studies at the Hebrew University, where he studied for a first degree in history and the Middle East and later a master’s degree in Orientalism. After completing his studies, he went to an officers’ course and, after completing his studies, became part of the investigations. In 1983 Sami married Esther, who served as a researcher at the Beit Shemesh station. The couple had two sons and a daughter. The family lived in Ma’aleh Adumim. Sami was a kind and pleasant man, loved by his friends and devoted to his work. In his last position, Superintendent Sami served as assistant to the RNS. He fell during his service on 22.9.2002. He was fifty years old. Sami was buried in the cemetery on Mount Herzl, Jerusalem. He left a wife and three children.

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