Bachar, Israel (Roly)

Bachar, Israel (Roly)

Son of Bruria and Menashe was born on June 17, 1962 in Kiryat Haim. Israel was a Yaffa, smiling baby and his eyes were drawn to him. He started to go to the kindergarten when he was about 3 years old, and when the family moved to Carmel in Haifa, he continued to study there. From the first to the sixth grade, he studied at the “Carmel” elementary school and afterward, for two years, he studied at the “Yavneh” high school and completed his high school studies at the “Kiryat Shmuel” high school. Israel, or as they used to call him, Was a very mischievous student, known for his pranks, but was also known to be able to organize the social events of the class, and in the fifth grade he joined the Bnei Akiva movement and was very active in it. As an apprentice, and later in ninth grade, he even began teaching at the Tirat Hacarmel branch, and his apprentices loved him and admired him, with some of whom he kept in touch even when he was in the army. As he was a young boy, he traveled extensively, and always came back from the trips, full of joy and full of experiences: On one of the vacations, Roly organized a long trip to the Sinai desert with his friends, and another time he went skiing from the mountains of Judea. And towards the end of his high school studies, Roly joined the Nachal group and was one of the most prominent members of the nucleus. But shortly before his matriculation exams, he decided to volunteer for the paratroopers. He successfully passed the tests and was assigned to the unit “August 80”. Roly was very proud of his membership in this unit, and every time he came home on holiday, he would describe his experiences. Roly did not have a strong body, but he had the endurance and will power that helped overcome all the difficulties and end the training course of the paratroopers very successfully. After completing his training course, he joined the company as a company commander for February 82. Roly had invested a lot of energy in guiding his soldiers. He told his friends that his method of working with the soldiers was tough alongside devoted and “maternal” care. With this method, Roly managed to establish a very strong bond with his apprentices, and they regarded him as a commander worthy of trust. When Roly was in a series of training with his soldiers, the Peace for Galilee War broke out. After two weeks of fighting on the front front, he returned to his unit and was put on trial, and was confined to the training camp for several weeks, but after serving his sentence he left for the course Officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers, officers and officers. A PG who was shot at the force hit him directly, and he fell while carrying out his duties on the day He was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Haifa, where he left behind his parents, two sisters and a brother, and his family commemorated him in a Torah library donated to the Israel Yair Youth and Youth Synagogue, Named after Israel Bachar z “l and Yair Gilboa z” l) in Haifa .In addition, a memorial was erected in his memory in the Nir Etzion forest, overlooking the sea, which Israel loved

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