Babski, Yitzhak

Babski, Yitzhak

Son of Yitzhak and Jenny. Born in the city of Oru-Parto in Brazil, he studied in a high school in his hometown, where he joined the Pioneer Youth Union and immigrated to Israel in 1953. He entered the son of-Shemen Institute and received his professional training as a tractor engineer He was drafted into the IDF in May 1955. Yitzhak fell in battle with the enemy at Nitzana on the 17th of Mershvan 5707 (2/11/1955). After that, the IDF Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Moshe Dayan, was commended for being a model of courage in battle, and was brought to rest at the Civil Cemetery in Brur-Hayil On the eve of Memorial Day, In memory of “five kibbutz members who fell – and he is among them. His memory was also mentioned in Uri Milstein’s book “Wars of the Paratroopers.” In an investigation conducted in 2017, it was emphasized that the chief of staff’s citation was converted to a medal of courage.

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