Azulay, Shalom (Sherley)

Azulay, Shalom (Sherley)

Son of Ayesha and Abraham, was born in 1943 in Morocco. Shalom attended elementary school in his hometown and continued his studies at a high school in Casablanca. In 1962, when he was about 19 years old, he immigrated with his family to Israel and the family settled in Dimona. Sharali (peace) was drafted into the army and assigned to the Armored Corps. After three years of service he was released and started working at the Dimona Fiber factory. Sharli was also elected to the workers’ committee in the factory. A few years later he left work at the Dimona kibbutz and began working as an operator at Dead Sea Works. In 1969, Shirley married Simi and had five sons. Since his arrival in Israel, Sharli has been interested in the political situation in Israel. He joined the Herut movement and in 1982 was elected chairman of the movement’s Dimona branch. When the Peace for Galilee war broke out, Sharili was called up for active reserve duty and sent to the eastern sector in Lebanon. The unit in which he served was sent to the aid of another unit, which was trapped in an ambush by the Syrian forces. On the 11th of Sivan 5762 (11.6.1982), Sharli fell in a fierce battle against the enemy forces and was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Dimona, leaving behind a wife and five sons, parents, brother and sister.

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