Azriel, Gabi

Azriel, Gabi

Ben Simcha and Abraham. He was born on 18.6.1968 in Yeruham, the seventh son of a family of eight children. Gabi studied at the “Kol Ya’akov” elementary school and continued his studies at the Miften High School. Before his enlistment in the IDF, Gabi worked in a pottery factory and succeeded in his work, and his father, Avraham, died three years before his enlistment in the IDF. Gabi was very eager to recruit him. He aspired to expand his education within the army and was very motivated to succeed in his service. At the end of January 1989, Gabi was drafted into the IDF, and was assigned to a general service and went on to basic training at Hashomer Farm, and according to his commander, Gabi had great ability to integrate into the military system On 18 Adar 5749 (March 18, 1989) Was killed in the military section of the cemetery in Yeruham and left behind a mother, six sisters – Dalia, Mali, Yaffa, Aliza, Pnina, Tamar and brother Mordechai – in a letter of condolences to the bereaved family, special. He made every effort to take part in the national tasks. Tall and tall, pleasant and quiet, who always loved to laugh with his friends. “

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