Azoulus, Moses-Chai

Azoulus, Moses-Chai

Ben Zahava and Mordechai. He was born on January 1, 1973, in Tiberias. A brother to Pinchas, Rivka and Pnina. Moshe’s parents debated whether to bring a fourth child into the world, wanting to spare nothing of their children and invest as much as possible in their education. A patriotic feeling overwhelmed the scales and Moshe, a unique child, came into the world. He was named after his uncle, who was killed in 1951 in the battles of Tel Motilla. His name was chosen after his mother dreamed several times during her pregnancy that the uncle wished the child to be named after him. Moshe grew up in a warm and supportive home. The values ​​he absorbed at home shaped his personality and influenced his path. When Moshe was in kindergarten, he had a serious car accident. A car hit him and he lay for a month in the hospital. After a short period he recovered completely and then his parents added the name Hai. Moshe Chai grew up in wonder, developed mentally and physically and began to visit the kindergarten. Even then, all his diligence and willingness to help others were visible. A dear child, a heart of gold and a vast reservoir of knowledge and skills. Moshe began studying at the “Ehrlich” elementary school in Tiberias. He is considered a good and successful student and a loyal friend. Every morning he reported to his good friend Amir and volunteered to accompany him to the entrance to the classroom. His pleasant nature pleased his family and acquaintances. By the time he reached fifth grade, his parents had bought a home computer. Moshe was attracted to the device, and without any prior training he learned to use it. It turned out that Moshe is a technical wizard and that he is able to make corrections and directions related to operating the computer. His expertise was great, and soon the children of the class began to use him. Moshe responded willingly to telephone inquiries regarding computer malfunctions and if he could not solve the problem in the conversation, he would force himself into the friend’s house until the problem was fixed. After completing his elementary studies, he began to wonder about the continuation of his educational path. His father wanted his son to receive an excellent religious education, and despite the difficulty of moving away from home, they agreed that Moshe would move to the Citrine boarding school. Moshe quickly took over and bought many friends. His schoolmates say he was a pleasant partner and turned out to be a trusted friend. He was careful to keep his body and soul clean as well as the cleanliness of the environment, was considered an excellent cook and would pamper his friends in some cooking. Moshe was characterized by caring for others before he took care of himself. He was a key figure, involved and active and was the initiator and organizer of social events. Even in his excellent studies and ambitions, he was awarded excellent grades. He was chosen as an outstanding student and in recognition of the school he embarked on a magical voyage to Turkey, which he documented enthusiastically. Even when he was away from home, Moshe continued to show devotion to his family and the community. On every holiday he would visit the synagogue in his town, clean, fix, and repair what needed to be repaired. When he reached the 11th grade, he underwent a crisis and returned to Tiberias, where he conducted a thorough and thorough examination of the comprehensive school in his city, concluding that the level of studies was low and that he should continue his studies in Kfar Sitrin. Swimming, fishing, sailing and water skiing – at the end of 12th grade, Moshe decided to continue studying for two years as a practical electronics engineer. His enlistment was postponed and he completed his studies with a certificate from a senior qualified teacher from Sha’anan College in Haifa. His thesis dealt with the subject of electronic blood pressure meter. In the middle of July 1991, Moshe enlisted in the IDF and was assigned to serve in the Signal Corps, where he was trained as an Archery System Engineer. His job was to ensure the proper operation of the archery teams in real time. The sector in which he served included a wide area that extended from the Hermon to the Jordan and the Jordan Valley. Within a short period of time, and despite being considered a young man, Moshe lived among the best technicians in the battalion. He took command of the lab and all the teams in the area. AsA commanding officer, showed professional and personal responsibility and unparalleled dedication. His father says that even during the short vacations that Hentel spent until the wee hours of the night talking to his soldiers, he called from an outpost to the outpost and checked the situation. Soldiers who served with him called him a “magician.” Every problem or malfunction was solved by him with astonishing speed and to the satisfaction of all company commanders and soldiers. Four commanders who had passed through the company remained almost inoperable in light of the performance of Moshe Hai in the sector, for which he was awarded the medal of the outstanding soldier. In light of his excellence, it was recommended that Moshe go to an officer’s course. He hesitated, but preferred to return to citizenship. His commanders, who refused to part with him, convinced him to sign a permanent order and at the beginning of April 1996 he moved from regular service to permanent service and continued his position as a laboratory commander in the Golan Heights. Being punctual and responsible, and perhaps because of other feelings, Moshe discovered that he was not insured by the army in case of injury. In a letter he sent to the soldiers’ admissibility officer, he wrote: “If I kill or injure, I will not have insurance.” He did not rest until the matter was settled. On the morning of June 18, 1996, Moshe fell in the line of duty in a serious road accident. Moshe and another soldier were in the vehicle that was commanded by the company commander. They completed a tour that began in the Golan Heights and ended in the Jordan Valley. All night long they passed through the outposts and on their way back to their base, near Kibbutz Beit Zera, in the Tzemach area, the driver fell asleep, strayed to the side of the road and crashed into an olive tree. Moshe Hai was killed in his sleep. With the death of Corporal Keren Hamo, who was brought to eternal rest in the military cemetery in Tiberias at the age of 23. He left two parents, a brother and two sisters, and the battalion commander said: After a few days it was difficult not to be impressed by the personality of this man, who was above him, not only in his physical details, but in all that he touched, Moshe was first and foremost a sensitive and kind man who was willing to sacrifice himself for his friends. He soon became one of the social pillars of the company. Always the first in organizing parties, trips, social activities, and above all – the golden hands that were pleasant for the most reasons, and made the stay in the company, especially on Saturdays, an experience. Professionalism, skill, devotion, adherence to the task, responsibility, maturity and discipline characterized Moshe’s performance as a technician and after a very short period of time I entrusted him with the technical responsibility of the company’s platoon platoon, which operates in one of the most complex and complicated sectors along the borders. Moshe did his job in his excellent and typical way, and in the sector where he spent nights and days defending his residents and the inhabitants of his city of Tiberias, he died in the horrific accident. “Moshe was not only a soldier but a close friend and friend and every trip I made in the sector Moshe was my companion and together we shared and consulted with the problems of the company, personal problems and family problems.I learned from Moses the love and closeness to the family and loyalty to parents. All this culminated in a car accident in which his niece was injured. Then he was torn between the obligation to the company and the job on the one hand and his family on the other, which led him to take on an unreasonable burden. “The commandment of the unit was written to the family:” Moshe fulfilled his role in an exceptional manner, stood out throughout his service, and was praised As an outstanding soldier of the Signal Corps. Moshe was a soldier, an excellent commander, Azzolos was awarded the favor of all his comrades in the company and battalion, and was always ready to give of himself for the sake of the other … The unit lost a soldier, a brother and a very dear friend. “After his death, the synagogue in TiberiasFamily members of the Tiferet Moshe Chai family. “A memorial plaque and plaque were placed in the synagogue in memory of Moshe and Keren who perished in the accident, Moshe’s family commemorating his name by inserting a Torah scroll into the synagogue and expanding the Torah library at the Torah Technology College in Citrin. At the elementary school in Erlich, where he studied, a computer room was established in his name.

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