Azoulay, Shimon

Azoulay, Shimon

Shimon, son of Miriam and Shmuel Azoulay, was born in 1925 in Tiberias. He studied at the Alliance school and from a young age he began to work as a craftsman to help his family. He was modest and kind-hearted, loved his homeland with all his Lev and responded to every call for its rescue and protection. The fact that he was a member of an underground movement was known to his family only after his death. During the War of Independence he joined the army and was attached to an artillery unit. Shimon participated in the battle for Lod and Ramle and the first break in the Negev and stayed there for three months, when the Negev was under siege. After the liberation of the Negev he came home for a vacation and stayed there for two days. At home, he was feverish and returned to his unit before the nature of his illness became clear. He was found to have pneumonia, was admitted to a hospital in Netanya and died two days later, on 29 Kislev, December 31, 1948. Shimon was brought to rest in the military cemetery in Tiberias.

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