Azoulay, Eliyahu

Azoulay, Eliyahu

Eliyahu (Eli), son of Esther and Asher (Mas’ud), was born on July 12, 1952 in Jerusalem. Eli’s primary education was pure Judaism and tradition. He first studied at the “Neve Ya’akov” elementary school, and later combined his learning and the action. Eli attended the Ort vocational high school in the field of building electricity, where he was a diligent and disciplined student who took the studies very seriously. At the same time, he also worked in his profession as a construction electrician. Eli had an unprecedented love of friends. All his friends loved him and ran with him. His love for others was always expressed in his willingness to help anyone. Eli had a strong love for the homeland and his greatest ambition was to serve in the Border Police unit. Eliahu was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in mid-August 1970 and assigned to the Armored Corps, after which he was appointed as a liaison officer in the tank, and he was a disciplined soldier who did his job well and was devoted to his role. After he was discharged from regular service in the IDF, he studied photography and worked in it, in addition to his work as an electrician, in order to help support the house. In the Yom Kippur War he fought against me on the Sinai front, in the battle of containment against the Egyptians. On the evening of the 12th of Tishrei 5734 (October 8, 1973), Eliyahu and his comrades fought at the Hamutal outpost in the central sector, and his tank was hit. His friends heard in the radio that Eli and his friends had gone out to fight the grenades in Egypt, who had boarded the tank that had been hit. At first he was considered missing, and after a while a space was declared that his burial place was unknown. His body was later identified and he was laid to rest at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem. After his fall, he was promoted to sergeant. His commander testified that he was a good soldier and a devoted friend of his unit. His parents donated a Torah scroll to commemorate his memory

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