Azlan, Aaron

Azlan, Aaron

Aharon, ben Tova, and Sasson was born in Rehovot on 13 July 1953. Aaron was drafted into the IDF in mid-May 1971 and was assigned to the infantry. After basic training, when he was ordained as an infantry fighter, he was sent to a course for squad commanders, then completed a course for saboteurs and sabotage. He was a good soldier, devoted and loyal to his job. He had always done his job with care and devotion. Everyone remembers that he excelled in his fair attitude to his friends and commanders and his willingness to always help others. In the army, too, he stood out in his sense of humor and was always able to inspire good spirits and contribute to raising morale among his friends. When the Yom Kippur War broke out, his unit was sent to fight the Syrians on the northern front. The battles he had fought were hard and bloody. Following the containment of the enemy, his unit participated in battles across the border, within Syrian territory. On April 22, 1974, during the War of Attrition on the northern front, Aharon was stationed in Tel-Saharah, and the Syrians began a heavy shelling on the mound, which lasted for a long time and during which Aharon was killed and brought to eternal rest in the military section of the Kiryat Shaul left behind his parents, two brothers and a sister,

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