Azberga, Aref

Azberga, Aref

Ben Sabha and Muhammad, was born on 23 March 1985 in Nevatim. When he was two months old, the family moved to the Bedouin community of Kuseife, where Aref studied at the Tel-Malah elementary school. Due to his academic excellence, he moved to the “Tel Kasif” school, which had a higher level. He did his high school studies at the Amal Hura school in his settlement. During his spare time, Aref was a member of the Etgarim youth group in the community center and helped the community in supporting the elderly .Araf was a charming family member, dedicated and loving to his close and distant family, who always supported and helped everyone and did not spare the children, 29.12.2003. He did his service in the Desert Patrol Battalion. Aref loved his friends and was proud of his position. On December 12, 2004, Aref fell in battle in the Gaza Strip. He was killed by a powerful explosive device planted in a tunnel under an IDF post in Rafah, killing him: Sergeant Hussein Abu Lil, Sergeant Tareq al-Ziadna, Sergeant Sa’id Ghagha and Sergeant Adham Shehadeh. He left behind his parents and five brothers and sisters – Atef, Hanati, Asma, Shifa and Ibrahim.

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