Ayalon, Shabtai

Ayalon, Shabtai

Son of Roza and Emanuel. Shabtai was born in Bulgaria on the 13th of Sivan 5749 (1.7.1929). He immigrated to Israel in 1944. Shabtai served in the Israel Defense Forces and was discharged with the rank of lieutenant, and was drafted into the Israel Police in 1960. Served in the fields of armored personnel carriers, training, He served as the commander of a patrol unit in this district, beginning in 1961. In July 1964, Shabtai served as a shift officer at the radio station, tour and operations branch of the Tel Aviv District for six months, and served as an officer in the Ramat Gan district for about a year. The center of the Tel Aviv district, and in November 1966 he was appointed as a sergeant in the Bar Association for a year and a half. Later in his service, Shabtai was head of a tour office at the Zevulun station from 1968 to 1975 and commander of the Mauna station from October 1975 to February 1978. He was later the commander of the Maalot Civil Guard in the Galilee region. Superintendent Shabtai fell during his service in Kislev 5761 (26.11.1980). Fifty-one in his fall. He was buried in the Ma’alot cemetery.

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