Avtalion, Smadar

Avtalion, Smadar

Born in Tel Aviv on December 13, 1962, Smadar lived in the Beit Eliezer neighborhood of Hadera, where she completed six years of schooling at Kaplan Elementary School. She moved to another part of the city of Hadera and continued her elementary studies at the Ahad Ha’am school, where she began high school in Hadera. After two years of study, she decided to move to the agricultural school in Pardes Hanna, She was an exceptional, original girl in her dress, her actions and her way of thinking, Smadar had a well-developed sense of justice that guided her throughout her life, She loved people and treated everyone with generosity and kindness: Smadar loved to do handicrafts and during her spare time she knitted, embroidered, sewed and sometimes even sketched, she loved animals, she used to ride horses, and always was Smadar enlisted in the IDF in late January 1981 and was assigned to serve in the General Staff. After basic training, she was sent to a base in the north of the country and served as a bureau clerk. She was a good and dedicated soldier, and was appreciated by her commanders for her sense of responsibility and the performance she displayed in her work. Her commanders wanted to send her to an officer’s course, but she refused because she did not see her future in a military framework. Thanks to her comfortable and good nature, she was loved and accepted by her friends and friends. On January 10, 1983, Smadar fell in the line of duty. She was laid to rest in the old cemetery in Hadera. She left behind her mother and brother. In a letter of condolence to the bereaved family, the commander wrote: “Some people attack us with unspeakable brutality and we can only bow our heads, stand amazed and try to overcome them. She had done her duty faithfully, diligently and impeccably and beyond. She wanted to train soldiers, was trained for this, and even trained. She was never content with routine, tried to do original and unusual things and succeeded, and thus was unique “

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