Avramov, Abraham

Avramov, Abraham

Son of Rachel and Shimon, was born in 1927 in Russia and in 1933 came with his parents to Eretz Israel. During the first months of the War of Independence, he took part in the Haganah defense and participated in activities in Tel Arish, Bat Yam, Yazur, etc. On the night of June 2-3, 1948, during the “Philistine” operation, Givati ​​forces attacked the Egyptian alignment near the Ashdod Bridge (the “Ad Halom” bridge today). The assault was halted by heavy enemy fire and the forces were forced to retreat. The attack failed, but forced the Egyptians to prepare in their stead and halted their advance northwards. He fell on May 3, 1948. On March 31, 1951, he was put to rest at the military cemetery in Kiryat Shaul.

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