Avraham, Avner

Avraham, Avner

Son of Juliet and Haim, he was born on January 26, 1963 in Haifa, where he studied at the “Nirim” and “Kfar Galim” elementary schools and completed his studies at the Sprinzak High School. Avner was drafted into the IDF in early August 1981. After basic training, and after completing a driving course, he was placed as a driver in a unit that served in the Golan Heights. On 12 Elul, August 30, 1982, Avner fell in the line of duty and was laid to rest at the military cemetery in Haifa. He left parents, three brothers and two sisters. In his letter of condolence to the bereaved family, his commander wrote: “Your son served as a driver, a position he loved and performed with great satisfaction. Avner loved to laugh, to be happy and was loved by the soldiers of the unit.” His family commemorated him in the synagogue in the Neve David neighborhood of Haifa.

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